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a brilliant and beautiful Queen move to win with checkmate
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It's a long checkmate and it's very hard to find every move … you can try though it's really beautiful…..don't forget to subscribe and like the video guys would really appreciate it ❤
The solution is as follows,
Kxg7 Bd2+ Kf6 Bc3+ Kf5 Bh3+ Kf4 Bd2+ Kf3 Bg2+ Kf2 Be3# , kind of a ladder mate but by bishops.
thats a blunder 😂
King takes Queen and then bishop h6 King takes and rook g6 is cheekmate
looks like a blunder to me lmao.
This is the worst song ever
People forget you can check with pawns, wtf. Forcing the King on the H file is a mating net
No bro
One move won't even be a check engine said that
After king takes
We have bishop to e3
The black king has two choices : f6 or h8
If h8 we have bishop to d4 and it’s an easy checkmate
Otherwise bishop also to d4 then only move for the king is f5 then the other bishop to h3 and the only move for the king is f5 and then the rook in the e1 to f1 and it’s checkmate
OK this will be a long ass solution with TONS of Variation
I'm just gonna show you one of them
1. Qxg7+ Kxg7
2. Bxd8+ Kh6
(If Kh8, there's Bf6#)
3. Bg5+ Kxh5
4. Be2+ Kg6
5. Be7+ Kf5
(If Kh6, there's Bxf8#)
6. Rg5+ Kf4
(If Ke6, Bg4 is double check and mate)
7. Rf1+ Ke3
8. Re5+ Kd4
(If Kd2, there's Bishop back to g5 MATE)
Now.. are you ready for THE HARDEST move to find in this sequence?
9. The calm and collected..
(defending the rook and threatens both c3# and Rf4#)
There's not much black can do the only defensive resource for black is to go..
(Holding on for dear life)
Ok.. here it goes!! the knockout blow!
10. Rf5 discovered check | Ke3
11. Bg5!! (Sacking the bishop on e2 but you can't take bcz R5f2 is mate) | So, Kd4
12. R1f4+ Ne4
13. Rxe4+ Qxe4
Now the best way to end the sequence.. you don't take the queen back!!
this is actually a way to deflect the queen from the defense of the c3 square
I got checkmate. When king takes go be3 when the king goes to f6 play bd4 when the king goes to f5 play bh3 and when the king goes to f4 play the e room to f1 checkmate
Takes bishop takes queen then rook takes queen with check and then probably the bishop checkmates, but I don't know because I can't move pieces to test my observation
King takes,h6,kh8 or kg8,bf6#
Bishop take bishop then check mate?
After that it’s just a series of different moves
That's brilliant because after king Takes pawn go to h6 check and then beautiful move bishop f6 checkmate
the checkmate is brutal
Nvm i just saw the forced mate.king g7, bishop d1, king h6(cuz he gets insta clapped at h8), bishop g5, first variation king takes white pawn and gets mated by white bishop. 2nd variation he goes back to g7, pawn h6(it is protected by black bishop)(king gets mated if he goes to h8), so king goes to g6, black bishop creates a discovery check by moving to d2 whilst still protecting the pawn at h6. And then king and queen gets forced pinned with white squared bishop at h3 when king moves to f5, then finally black bishop c3 after king f6. If king goes to f6 first after the discovery check on bishop by moving to d2. Then we go bishop c3, king f5, bishop h3, king f4, bishop d2, king f3, rook e3, king f5, discovery check+ rook check e4, king f3, rook f4, king e2, rook g2, king e1, rook f1. FINALLY
Bishop f6 mate but ok
if king takes pawn check if king goes to h8 then bishop to f6 checkmate because of rook covering g file and if kind goes g8 then bishop to f6 another checkmate hope this helped out
They take with king you move bishop one square and it's mate
Mate in 1 bishop f6
Bxd8 discovery check , Bishop to f6 checkmate?
RxG7 , Axd8+, Rh8 , Af6#
Is it normal for a 1700 to not see anything there?😂
pawn h6 bishop f6 if he eats queen and then checkmate
after king takes queen bishop f6 check black queen is forced to go to g4 rook eat g4 mate
Wow first time seeing a good puzzle. This is mate in 17 but it was somehow easy and black could have forked the queen and bishop and he could have easily won. But the knight move was a big blunder.
Here is the answer (any other move for black would just make the checkmate faster): 1… Kxg7 2. Bxd8+ Qg4 3. Rxg4+ Kh6 4. Bg5+ Kxh5 5. Be2 Bd7 6. Rg2+ Bg4 7. Rxg4 Rg8 8. Rg2+ Kg6 9. Be7+ Kf5 10. Rxg8 Ke6 11. Bg4+ Kd5 12. Bf3+ Ne4 13. Rxe4 Kc6 14. Rd4+ Kb5 15. Rg5+ f5 16. Rxf5+ Ka6 17. Ra4#
fil f6 da mat
Well he has to take. Then I assume Bxd8. He has to go Kh6. Then probably Bg5+. He has to take the pawn or else Be7+ and the next bishop move will be mate. So after Kxh5, Be2+, queen blocks, Rook takes queen. I dont know the rest, but you achieved material advantage and his king is wide open
Bishop F6 discovered Check after king takes. Queen Defends, rook takes and checkmate
Everybody typing lists of moves while im finding mate in one
Mate in 15
bf6 mate
bf4 only move king to corner then mate with bishop