Original Anarchy chess reddit post:
This is Omicron chess variant, and i’m playing 15 second chess.You have to be careful because normal openings moves immediately attack the opponents knights with your bishop, giving white a slightly larger advantage than usual, almost a full pawn according to the computer!This craziness was Designed by r/anarchychess member u/stonehearthed and has been spreading uncontrollably since then. This has been especially worrying, because lockdowns have only served to accelerate its propogation.
I am playing this on @lichess, if you would like to try it I have a link in the comments, Click the button ‘continue from here’ to challenge a friend.
Thanks for watching!
Lichess link to play:
Click the button ‘continue from here’ to challenge a friend.
bullet chess, fast chess, anarchychess r/anarchychess. Anarchy chess reddit chess memes.
Lichess link to play: https://lichess.org/editor/2bqkb2/1rppppr1/np4pn/p6p/P6P/NP4PN/1RPPPPR1/2BQKB2_w_-_-_0_1
Click the button ‘continue from here’ to challenge a friend.
wtf bro