How to play Anti-King Chess

Learn the rules to Anti-King Chess quickly and concisely – This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original Chess rules, check out this video:

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The rules are the same as regular chess except for these changes. The object of the game is to checkmate your opponent’s king or their anti-king. During setup, place black’s anti-king on D3 and White’s on D6.

The Anti-King is a King, and moves like a king, but it is in check whenever it is not attacked by opposing pieces. If a player ends their turn with their Anti-King not attacked, then they are checkmated and lose. Additionally, the Anti-Kings may not capture opposing pieces, but may capture friendly ones. Anti-Kings may not be captured, only checkmated. Anti-Kings do not offer check to friendly Kings and Kings can not attack or capture Anti-Kings.

The first player to checkmate their opponent’s king, or anti-king, wins.


  1. So the anti king needs to be in a position of danger to be safe otherwise if their not their checkmated?

  2. It's more like chess with two kings instead of "anti"-king

  3. You just keep making up these chess variations…

  4. I have tried to make something like this, but there is no king, just the anti-kings where kings swapped places.
    It was a mess, noone wants to capture since there is no normal king to checkmate.
    But both anti kings can capture any piece.

  5. So another way to checkmate would be to put an opponent, in a position, in which they could get their king out of check, or get their anti king out of check, but not both at the same time.

  6. Practically Chess but you have Suicidal Second King

  7. Have been waiting for this Variant since forever!

  8. So, uh, I might want to confirm my understanding: I must keep my anti-king under enemy attack; if I can't, I lose?

  9. I wonder if you ever can cover Henry VIII Chess where the object is to either capture an enemy King or lose all of one's own Queens. Each player has 8 pawns, 7 Queens and a King.

  10. Is there any reason why the anti kings dont just replace the regular kings, and is instead an addition?

  11. Lemme guess: this is the same as regular chess except you have a second insane lunatic 'king' running around the board screaming "PLEASE KILL ME"

  12. But can anti-kings castle? (I suppose not, since they don't start near any rook…)

  13. That’s funny. I guess the anti-king is an allegory for someone trying to usurp the throne during the war.

  14. I think this is the first time I would consider a chest variant not that great

  15. so hang on, does the anti-king always have to be in check or do they just have to secure a position of check whenever possible?

  16. 0:30 There is a bit of ambigiuity there. when I can move an other piece than the antiking so that the antiking is atact, is that still a checkmate?

  17. I like this.
    It's can generate thousands memes about bongcloud in one game.

  18. does this mean you can technically make a double checkmate with the king and anti-king?

  19. I really wanna see someone playing this variety.

  20. This is Anti-King Chess II by Peter Aronson in 2002

  21. So it's near to possible to reach endgame and if reached it's impossible to win .💀

  22. Then how are you supposed to start the game? At the start, the anti-king is always unattacked.

  23. Why isn’t it checkmated when in check and checkmated when not checked

  24. I notice there wasn't a rule against capturing your own king with your anti-king

  25. So, is it both a "try to kill your opponent's king" and "try to protect your opponent's king" situation?

  26. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

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