Repent and believe in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, people❤ We are all deserving of eternal punishment in hell because of our sins and wrongdoings.
"All have fallen short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23
But because God loves the world so much, that He sent His only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, taking upon our punishment that what rightfully ours, but He rose again on the third day, defeating sin and death.
He promises us eternal life, all we have to do is believe that He died on the cross for our sins, turn away from all of our sins, believe that He is Lord and Savior, and be baptized. We need to follow Him daily. This world has become evil and not worth to live in, but the Lord Jesus Christ is always worthy. Praise be to the Most High 🙌.
He awaits us all to answer to His call, the one true church, the Catholic Church, and us believers also await for all of you. Godbless you all
And tgen the bishop comes from out of nowhere
Neuron brain activator ahh moment
Hes playing with mr bean, how can black play pawn instead takes his queen lol, set up
Repent and believe in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, people❤ We are all deserving of eternal punishment in hell because of our sins and wrongdoings.
"All have fallen short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23
But because God loves the world so much, that He sent His only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, taking upon our punishment that what rightfully ours, but He rose again on the third day, defeating sin and death.
He promises us eternal life, all we have to do is believe that He died on the cross for our sins, turn away from all of our sins, believe that He is Lord and Savior, and be baptized. We need to follow Him daily. This world has become evil and not worth to live in, but the Lord Jesus Christ is always worthy. Praise be to the Most High 🙌.
He awaits us all to answer to His call, the one true church, the Catholic Church, and us believers also await for all of you. Godbless you all
You can take the qeeun in 1 move
This was Mikhail Tal move
honestly i was expecting a mouse slip in the end
Him looking at his hands 😂
He went on to lose the game 😅
Its mate in 5 if u just take the free queen
Bro turned into prime magnus for a sec
Taking qf8 is to easy so he went the hard way
Wait, why didn't he just eat queen. And how did he get this stupid position?
99 missed xalls from magnus carlsun👽
99 missed calls from magnus carlson👽
99 missed calls from magnus carlson👽
Btw this is a fake game, he shows his tab for a second and you can see that it is an analysis custom position
Omg so brilliant!
he could have just token the quen in the beginning
The bishop retired
Guys remember the moment he tried to do something like this against hikaru😂😂
Lol he checks if he is in reality
He could have just taken Queen right away on f8
seeing this was absolutely impressive
Bro thinking hims hikaru for a moment
plus you will feast the pawns
Bro can directly take queen on f8 but then he doesn't get any conent
He thinks he would be another Mikhail Tal
And refused to take openent's queen
But sacrificed his own queen
Bro can win queen
But chose to win rook
M4 then M10 then M6
What is the website's name
Most realistic chess position
What if takes queen directly and check
Qf8,Nb2 and final move Qc8 or Qc5 mate
bro if you see clearly that he could eat the queen with his queen
so uh a better way and a faster way to win, is to : Qxf8+, Kc7, Ne5, Rd6+, Ka7, Ra6+, bxa6, h5 ,Qb8# hope this helps.
Take the queen then king moves to c7 then pawn b6 , king c6 , knight e5 takes rook and has a queen left
He could’ve took the queen and it would’ve been a check mate if the rook comes up bc the king doesn’t have any squares
Smart move !!
Bro you could have taken the queen at the beginning lol😂😂😂😂😂😂
Name game
British players naturally love tactics
Bro bobby to bobby fisher
why did he first move take rook and take queen
Bobby to Tal: Bro let me copy your homework, i swear it'll make some changes.
The homework: 🤡
mate in 2..
“Crap I misclicked”
Bro took the game from 1987 with Karpov and garry
No one can stop me (I’m Batman)