Beat Good Players with the London | Games to Know by Heart – IM Eric Rosen

International Master Eric Rosen hopes to inspire you to play the London Opening. Learn the “Ashwin Trap” and see a game that Eric played against (probably) Fabiano Caruana. Follow along at .

Eric Rosen vs. Fabiano Caruana: A45 Queen’s pawn game
Gata Kamsky vs. Sam Shankland, 2014: A45 Queen’s pawn game

Ashwin Jayaram vs. Josh Colas, 2016: A46 Queen’s pawn game

Ashwin vs. Joel Banawa, 2016: A46 Queen’s pawn game

Jayaram Ashwin vs Kesav Viswanadha, PRO Chess League (Knock-Out) (2017): A46 Queen’s pawn game

Eric S Rosen vs Simen Agdestein, Xtracon Chess Open (2017): D00 Queen’s pawn, Mason variation


  1. I want to play against you. . . And anyone who is very talented at chess. Best way to get better. "If you wanna be the best you gotta beat the best" Rick Flair lmao.
    Yeah where can we play? My names right there , I'm easy to find . Maybe find me on Facebook and we can play there. I'd love to talk and learn. I just started playing the day before christmas. I used an app called Dr Wolf to learn all the basics . I fell in love with the game and want to learn all I can

  2. If your opponent plays Qb6 before u get your c3 move

  3. Last game was just too beautiful. 👌I gonna try playing London from now on these lines. I used to play London but as i didn't got that good results I quit it and started playing scotch gambit now I think I can play London against strong higher rated players thanks for this lesson

  4. I would expect a "Beat good players" video would feature a good player.

  5. Question at 38:50 why wouldn't black move bishop to A3? Bishop ends up at B2 and King ending at D3. Bishop takes horse on C3. Queen takes and horse E4 for the fork? Am I missing something here?

  6. Tatweer Chess Academy أكاديمية التطوير للشطرنج says:

    Good lecturer, who knows how to explain the ideas smoothly.
    Thanks SLCC.

  7. Tatweer Chess Academy أكاديمية التطوير للشطرنج says:

    This lecturer is better than many GM's, because the job of a GM is (not) to explain to you, but to play, and win against you !
    A good player doesn't make him/her a good coach or trainer.

  8. Thank you for this! Do you mind sharing if their are any IM or GM that did not start playing chess as a child?

  9. Why does Rosen look so hot in this video?

  10. 39:41
    white could win this game if bishop from f8 come to a3 and because the pawn pinted to the king by the queen black cant eat the bishop and then its just game over for black

  11. This is a treat for chess lovers for sure. Thanks Eric!

  12. Black is in terrible position at 27:16, no doubt, but is there a specific reason after white Nxd7 black takes back with the king as opposed to with the queen or the knight? Is there some fork/pin/trap black is avoiding by not taking back with the queen? Some positional advantage to the king? If not, taking back with the queen or the knight would avoid the forthcoming queen check on a4.

  13. One of my favourite opening as white . I ❤️ the way Magnus plays the London.

  14. Make a video about how to beat bad players with the London.

  15. @22:33 the best and quickest winning line (after White's Ne6+ forcing Kb6) is 1.Nd4+ Bc6 (Kc7 2.Nxb5+ forcing Qxb5) or Ka5 then R moves or takes on b5 forking black's K and Q and White is about to go up a Queen and 3 Pawns for a Rook.

  16. My respects to IM Rosen. His teachings are quite good if we consider that he is just a human being. He is not at my same level in chess (3600 rated), but he is very clear to teach mere mortals.

  17. That’s not how the knight moves..

  18. That 'trap' is not a secret at all.
    I saw it in several books, alreasy many years ago.

  19. i come back to this video every 2 months or so, after playing some games in the London and somehow never quiet getting there. Then I realise none of my opponents play b6, and thats bcs I'm a filthy 1400

  20. Chess commentators need to stop showing all the variations. Focus on one thing

  21. If u play always the same preps and moves u just a noob. That's why Magnus is the world best player – he never learned these preps shts. Plus if u simply check any of ur step in analyser and checks what are the best responses to any move – u can simply learn the preps. Why people make videos of it?

  22. The most disgusting opening you can imagine in chess.

  23. You will never face this setup like the one he faced against Caruana, so why is he showing? Are we going to be playing against GMs? What's the point? Is he just showing the game because he's proud of it? Why would you show such a specific line that no one watching this will ever face?

  24. No wonder why magnus doesn't like eric so much…

  25. The London is a "tunnel" opening that lets a player bypass the opening and all its theory to a forced draw (in theory). This enables enhanced study of the middlegame. I took this concept to the next level with a "universal" tunnel. BTW the correct antidote for the London is the QID setup with b6 and Bb7 with counterplay at c5 making the Bf4 look dumb.

  26. Just started playing bullet and was recommended the London since it stays pretty consistent and am enjoying it. Great vid and very informative!

  27. I play against the computer on master lvl w 2 more lvls to go an none of this is would be great if you made a video for that instead of how you can beat players below your level!👍

  28. At 18:30, instead is Rd8 i think the better move could be Qd3 which also prevents the white’s queen to go H7. Am i missing something here?

  29. Actually engine best response to @17:38 White knight attack on queen gaining tempo can be stopped by pawn g6 threating to take queen. forces to equalize the game or white is about to lose a second piece. so queens off board. saves the day that tempo will not work. if you decide to save the knight the queen then you lose the tempo on the queen and that leads to black winning.

  30. I think you are teaching none solid chess playing tricks hoping the player will fall for the trap. I don't think in my opinion that playing hoping for oponent falling for a trap is a good way of playing but in blitz games people can fall for these traps.

  31. You are not beating with me London ig.

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